Polygon Mesh Detailed Options

The mesh is created in three steps based on the detailed criteria: initial quads (estimated to roughly meet the criteria), refinement (subdivision to meet the criteria), and adjustment for trim boundaries.

Surfaces are meshed in a two step process. First a regular quad mesh is created and then that mesh is refined by splitting some quads into 4 smaller quads. The Maximum aspect ratio, Maximum edge length, and Minimum initial grid quads settings control the generation of the initial mesh. The Maximum angle, Maximum edge length, Minimum edge length, and Maximum distance, edge to surface settings determine which initial quads get split up into smaller quadrangles.



Maximum angle

Maximum aspect ratio

Minimum edge length

Maximum edge length

Maximum distance, edge to surface

Minimum initial grid quads

Refine mesh

Jagged seams

Simple planes

Pack Textures

When polysurfaces are meshed, the packed texture coordinates are created. A packed texture is a partition of the unit square into disjoint sub-rectangles so that one bitmap can be used to apply independent textures to each face of the polysurface.

The Pack Textures option will pack the mesh textures of every mesh and render mesh in the selection set. If more than one object is selected, the packing "spreads" the texture over all the objects.


Previews the mesh that results from the current options.

Simple Controls

The Polygon Mesh Options or STL Mesh Export Options dialog box appropriate for the action appears. These simple controls are an alternate way to control the way the mesh is made.




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