
Lays out copies of objects in a specified number rows and columns.


  1. Select the objects.

    The array directions are the x-, y-, and z-directions of the active construction plane.

  2. Type the number of copies in the x-direction, and press Enter.

    Type values of 1 or more for the number of copies.

  3. Type the number of copies in the y-direction.

  4. Type the number of copies in the z-direction.

  5. Pick the corners of a rectangle that defines the unit cell (x- and y-spacing) distance.

  6. Pick the height of the unit cell, or press Enter to use the width distance.

    Or, type the distances for the x-spacing, y-spacing, and z-spacing.

    A preview displays.

  7. Press Enter to accept the array or change the options.




Changes the number of objects in the x, y, and z-directions.



Changes the spacing in the x, y and z-directions.

History enabled

History enabled…

Changing the input objects changes the output objects.


Transform > Rectangular Array

Array > Rectangular Array


Transform > Array > Rectangular

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Lays out copies of objects in a circle around a central point.


  1. Select the objects.

  2. Pick the center of the array.

    The rotation axis for the polar array is the z-direction of the active construction plane at the chosen point

  3. Type the number of items and press Enter.

    Enter a value of 2 or more.

  4. Type the angle to fill.

    Copies of the selected objects appear, rotated around the axis defined by the center point.



Enter the angle between objects.

History enabled

History enabled…

Changing the input objects changes the output objects.


Transform > Polar Array

Array > Polar Array


Transform > Array > Polar

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Lays out copies of objects in a specified number rows and columns on a surface, using the surface normal to orient the objects.


  1. Select the objects.

  2. Pick a base point relative to the objects that will be arrayed on the surface.

  3. Pick a normal (up) direction for the objects, or press Enter if the normal direction for the object is the construction plane z-axis.

    This direction will be normal to the surface.

  4. Select the target surface.

  5. Type the number of elements in the u-direction.

  6. Type the number of elements in the v-direction.

    The objects are arrayed over the untrimmed surface evenly, spaced along the u- and v- directions of the surface.

    If the surface is trimmed, some of the arrayed base points may be outside the trimmed surface but on the underlying untrimmed surface. In this case, the ShrinkTrimmedSrf command might help with placing the objects.


Array > Array on Surface


Transform > Array > Along Surface

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